Saturday, April 24, 2010

for just such a time as this

We're in a very busy season of life right now.  I am leading Bible study on Thursday mornings, busily organizing the 2nd annual for KIDS by KIDS bike-a-thon, taking care of a young friend M-F before school, and volunteering at Zach's school.  We're also delivering the paper early every morning.  And Bryan enjoys helping friends with odd jobs here and there, tackling projects around our house, and coaching Zach's soccer team.

It's a crazy busy life.  Chaotic.  Non-stop.  Sleep deprived.  And so full of joy, purpose and wholeness.

As I look around me, my heart warm and full, these words cross my mind... "for just such a time as this".  (Esther 4:14)

I completely believe that God uses all things.  That He is purposeful.  That He designs us for and calls us to do certain things.  That He orchestrates the who, when, where and how.

While our life may look like a hodgepodge of tasks, volunteer work and part-time jobs to keep busy or make ends meet, I sense that what we're doing is all a part of His plan for our lives, and the lives of those around us.   God has woven our lives together with others, and has given us experiences and passions, and now the time and opportunity to wade into some of the waters we've wondered about for years.

Perhaps...  It's all for just such a time as this.

The footnotes for Esther 4:14 read:  "When you face challenges in life, seek to know what God wants you to do, and then do it, confident that he will do his part.  You don't know ahead of time how he will accomplish his will.  Trust God and prepare to be surprised by the way he demonstrates his trustworthiness."

I will.  I will trust God and prepare to be surprised.

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