Friday, May 22, 2009

A major milestone

Rather than have an elaborate pre-K graduation, our school had a closing program. It was just the right length and focused entirely on the kids and what they wanted for the evening... Lots of singing, dancing, an interactive poem and cookies & punch!

The ABC's of What We Learned in Pre-K

A is for artists. From our hands to our feet, We love to paint. We studied Mondrian, and Monet and even painted upside down like Michelangelo.

Boys were always building in the block corner. Sometimes the girls even joined them you know.

Cooperation and Self-Discipline lasted throughout the year. We get along really well with everyone we know.

We were Eager to learn all year long.

With our Friends we have grown.

With God’s grace, hope and happiness everywhere.

Our Interests have been varied.

Journal writing.

Kitchen cooking.

Laughter everywhere.

Music in the air.

Numbers and counting.

Our ABC’s both letter and sound we have begun to know.

Puzzles and patterning … problem solving

Quietly learning the basics so we can soon


Scientific thinking skills tested and grown

Through trial and error

Under guidance we’ve grown.

Very smart, very confident, very ready you know

We’re off to Kindergarten

Extra special days while we are still

Young. Have lead us to learn everything from A to Z. Just ask us, You know we’ll tell you everything we know. Until you are ready for


Zachary with his teachers

With the director

Dear Zachary, we could not be more proud of you. When you began preschool in Jan. 2008, you had trouble resolving conflicts without your hands; we were happy to see this improve dramatically after a few weeks in school! You hated large crowds, group games, and loud noises; making team sports and gross motor time quite a challenge. You held your hands over your ears during worship time and rarely sang along. You never wanted all eyes on you, so you generally opted out when your class sang in church. The first time you sang with joy and confidence in front of a group was at your class' Thanksgiving Feast last fall. I will never forget the pride that Daddy and I felt watching you overcome such a great fear. As last night's closing program approached, I watched you rehearse with your class; refusing to sing some of the songs. But last night, you sang every note and didn't miss a motion. You later told us that you had so much fun that you wanted to do it again 1,000 times. We are so very proud of you. You are leaving preschool and entering kindergarten with such confidence, excitement and curiosity. We are all excited for you.

Singing and dancing with friends

The ABC poem so accurately expresses all that you've learned

Without hesitation you stood tall with your "S"

Praying the Lord's Prayer with your friends and their families

Daddy is so proud

So am I!

And Luke cannot wait till it's his turn to go to school!!

Last day of school - I am so grateful for all the days I was able to volunteer in your class. I will miss all of your little classmates and wish them the very best as we all move on to different schools.

With "the best teachers a student could ask for"

Class hug... Bye, for now.

Kicking summer off with a little tree climbing.

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