Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our first fishin' derby

We went to a fishing derby a couple of weeks ago at a local apple orchard.  We caught about a dozen fish in 90 minutes or so, then picked apples, then went back for more fish. 

Zach stepped into the water in the first five minutes. 

There was crying and pouting for the next 40 minutes, begging to go home because his shoe was unbearable.  Eventually he got over it, put his wet shoe back on (over grandpa's dry sock), and perked back up. 

The rest of the day was smooth sailing and blue skies.

The boys and I held a fish for the first time. 

Grandpa and Bryan taught us how.  Zach dropped his a lot

Needless to say, this little one did not swim away when we released him.

Luke's already mastered the tall tale.

He caught one "this big"!

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