Saturday, September 18, 2010


These days we seem to be almost entirely consumed by learning.  Zach is in school full time, Luke and I are in class on T/Th mornings, and I am taking three other college classes online.  Plus, Bryan is in a men's Bible study on Sunday nights, I'm in a co-ed group on Tuesday nights, and I'm leading a women's group on Wednesday nights.  Phew!  That is a lot of running around, reading and studying for us!  We are generally more of a mellow, hang around-the-house kind of family.  I do not know how or when we morphed into this family running in many directions...and loving it.  Perhaps it just comes with growing children?

I have figured out my study routine and understand what my professors expect.  I'd say I'm in a groove.  I generally read my PE Strategies on Sunday and turn in class work on Monday, read my American Government on Monday and Tuesday, do my Government assignment on Tuesday and another on Wednesday, read my Psychology on Wednesday and Thursday, doing whatever classwork on Thursday and taking my Psychology tests on Fridays.  Repeat week after week...throwing in preparation for speeches, every-other-week Government tests on Fridays, and eventually a midterm and final for PE Strategies.  Wow.  The semester just flew by!

I can hardly believe it...  I am making straight A's.  And not barely A's, but 98% or higher in all classes.  If I had known then what I know now, I would have done so much better at school.  I haven't had straight A's since 6th grade.

I had no idea in June that I would ever return to college, let alone go back when Luke was still so young.  But the timing was just right.  I have a full scholarship for my community college classes, and I am also the recipient of a Pell Grant due to our family's extended lay-off.  We are overwhelmed by how my return to college transpired.  I am so, so grateful for this second chance.  This is such a precious gift.

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