Sunday, February 6, 2011


Zachary got to try a brand new position at basketball yesterday - point guard.  I didn't have our camera with me, but we did capture all of Zach's playing time on video.

Including his first career basket - which also happened to be the first basket of the game! 

Needless to say...the crowd went wild!  We expect Bill Self to call any day now.

During the post-game locker room meeting, Zach was presented with the "offense" game star.  We are just so proud of him for practicing often and giving it his all.  I hope he will always remember how much he wanted to quit in the beginning, and how far he's come in such a short time.  Commitments are made to be kept.  In all things, practice is of value.  Nothing is out of reach.

Here's what the superstar looked like as he enjoyed his post-game snack.  The perfect mix of sweet and fierce...and sweaty and needing a haircut.

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