Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Revolving door

We are not the family who is on the go all the time. We do not have a revolving door of house guests, go on or host frequent play dates, and we do not overextend ourselves with extracurricular activities. However, you would never know this by looking at our schedule this week...

Monday: Have a classmate over all morning. Take my two boys and the classmate out for lunch, then drop the bigger boys off at school. "Homeschool" Luke in the afternoon - lots of art! Return to pick up Zach after school. Take exhausted and crabby kids to the grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner. Stop at the eye glass store with the kids to get Zach's lens replaced. Wait forever. Head home - on edge the entire time because they are just so crabby. Put them in front of a TV show while I grill steaks... Everyone gets nice again. Dinner is fabulous - I splurged on fillets. Neighbor stops by just as I'm about to put the kids to bed. I let them stay up dancing to Michael Jackson songs for every one's amusement.

Tuesday: Have a different classmate over all morning. Take my two boys and the classmate with me to the dermatologist. They kids were AWESOME. Return home for a couple hours of playing, feed all three boys, take the two bigger boys to school. Put Luke down for a nap while school's in session. Return to pick up Zach after school. Slave over delicious potato soup for dinner. Grandpa stops by and stays for a couple of hours. We always love when Grandpa visits!

Wednesday: Have the same classmate from Tuesday over again today. This time no doctor's visit - we'll play at our house. Feed the three boys by noon. At 12:20 arrive at another friend's house to pick up her 2 1/2 year old daughter. After picking up this sweet little friend, head over to a park near school to park in their lot and WALK the two bigger boys for "Walk to School Day". (As mentioned in a previous post, we live too far for 2 and 3 year olds to walk all the way.) Drop the big boys off at school, then walk back to the park with the two littler kiddos. Play for a while, then head to our house. Hang at our house till school is over. Return with the two little kids (in the van this time) to pick Zach up. Drop our little friend off safely at home right after school, then rush home to change into soccer gear and eat a little something before practice. Pick one of our teammates up on the way to practice. Watch the big boys practice while Luke and I chat and color. After practice, play at the playground for 30 minutes, then head home, dropping our teammate off on the way. Return home -- with only my two children -- around 7pm. Squeal over getting to see Daddy. Play a little. Bathe the kids. Put 'em to bed. Phew! I already need a nap.

Thursday: So far no plans for company, but we'd be happy to have them if duty calls... Take Luke to the pediatrician at 10:15am. Pray that the doctor is not running super late (as usual) and that we can get a decent lunch (I think I will pack a picnic so we don't eat fast food) and get Zachary to school on time. I dream of naps on Thursday afternoon. If it rains (which forecasters are currently calling for) Bryan should be home from work. A girl can dream... Pick Zach up after school. No plans for company on Thursday evening, but who knows who might pop in.

Friday: Relax at home all morning. Eat breakfast in shifts if we feel like it! No plans until I have to drop Zach at school. Then Luke is scheduled for an eye exam at 2pm. We'll probably grab an ice cream after his eye exam, and then it will be time to pick Zach up from school.

Wow... All that for a non-on-the-go family! Honestly... I'm a little amazed that I'm doing this. I never would have guessed that I'd be capable of doing so much - and actually enjoying it! I still love being a school mom!!

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