Friday, March 4, 2011

Handmade by Luke

Luke came home from school with a backpack full of art yesterday.

He explained this one to me.  "I cut the pieces and I ripped them.  I picked the one with the star for the top because it is totally awesome.  Isn't it so cool, Mom?"

"This is some guy with red tummy armor.  He threw that fire bomb and exploded that white wall.  When he went into the white room, he found all these really bad guys, and he was mad because he's a good guy."

"I made this for Zach because I thought he would like it. I put that smiley heart because I love him and he is my best friend."

(I had no idea that he even knew how to spell Zach, let alone Zachary.  He doesn't even know how to spell his own full name!  And one super sweet side note, he is only called Zachary by family or those very close to him.  I adore that Luke referred to his brother in this note by his full name...that has, in an odd way, become an endearing special name that is reserved for only those closest to him.  Late addition:  I just noticed that Zach referred to LUCAS in this note.  I pray that my boys will forever cherish one another.  They are amazing brothers and have such a special relationship.)

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