Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The online ministry

So, I was pretty disappointed when the support group dissolved last week. As I confessed to my friend and his wife the other day, I felt a little like God had taken a part of my ministry away - part of the meaning behind my childhood. I knew that wasn't true, but I tend to take things personally for a couple of days before mellowing out...

Anyway, I kept reminding myself that it wasn't the end of the world and that God just had other plans. I turned my attention back to mothering, picked up a great new book about prayer, and focused my ministry efforts on the online part. In 5 1/2 days the website has had over 125 visits - 30 of them in the last 24 hours! That is remarkable. I have a handful of official "followers" and can see that they are from England, Australia and different parts of the United States. They are beginning to share comments on my website, and are then going into greater detail on their own personal blogs and in private emails to me. It is amazing to read about how God is using this ministry to reach people around the globe and change their lives. He is just so cool!

The recovery part used to be the biggest deal to me, but I have found that online I have a whole other ministry -- sharing CHRIST with others. At our church support groups, everyone that has come through group was already a believer. But online, these women are saying that they "will never understand organized religion", etc.. And the language they use and behaviors they write about - they are not putting on their best "church mask". No "holy pavement" here. They are being real, and allowing me to be real. I keep writing about my Heavenly Father and they keep reading --- and inviting their friends to read too! It is an awesome gift that He's given to me

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